E2Gold Inc.

Annual General & Special Meeting: April 17, 2023 – Welcome Notice of Meeting/Notice & Access Notification Management Information Circular Supplemental Form of Proxy Form of VIF

Scrutineering Services

Marrelli Trust Company Limited offers Scrutineering Services to ensure that your meeting runs smoothly and that voting integrity is maintained. We also finalize the tabulation onsite and ensure your final results are ready for presentation. If ballots are required,...

Proxy Voting Cut-Off Time

Best practices suggest setting your proxy cut-off time 48 hours before the meetingHaving a proxy cut-off of 48 hours before the meeting allows time to: Incorporate Broadridge data feeds into the final results Conduct final tabulation audits Generate reports Prepare...

Search Cards

You are required by regulation to initiate a material search and distribute search cards to intermediaries for your mailing requirements to beneficial securityholders. Distribute search cards to intermediaries at least 20 days before the record date [Section 2.3 NI...